Transformer Cores
FeSi C Core
C Cores are commonly employed in power supplies, inverters, converters, and magnetic amplifiers. Additionally, they find applications in electrical distribution systems, telecommunications equipment, and renewable energy systems such as solar inverters and wind turbines.

Transformer Cores
FeSi Toroid Core
FeSi Toroid Cores are well-suited for applications requiring high magnetic flux density and minimal electromagnetic interference (EMI). They are commonly used in transformers, inductors, and chokes where space-saving design and efficient magnetic coupling are essential.

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Aftersale engineer team will appear on site within 5 days if VISA available after receiving customer complains.
About Us
Nowdays electricity has been the most important form of power,however over 50% of the planet lacks complete electric facilities.While some industrial countries like East Asia,North America and West Europe are working on a green energy revolution,others are troubled by aging basic electric facilities,backward technology and lacking engineer team.
Eugenia Tech is committed to enable customer the abilities to produce distribution transformers and other related electric products with anvanced processsing skills.Product design,raw material source ,machine source and on site technical support are its main buiness.
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